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时间:2022-12-04  来源:  作者: 我要纠错

Chinese American Federation
3452 E. Foothill Blvd., #805
Pasadena, CA 91107


风雨兼程,春华秋实。美国南加州华人联合总会成立于2005年4月10日,是美国加州政府注册的非盈利 、非政治性社会团体,由120多个华人社团、工商企业自愿联合组成。南加华总主旨为:召集与组织在美华人社团、工商企业举办重大活动,加强联系,增进友谊,团结互助,共同发展;增进华人社团、工商企业与美国社会、群众团体、工商企业的联系与交流,推动华人参政议政,维护华人权益,提高华人地位,为美国社会的繁荣昌盛和华人社区的和谐发展贡献力量。与此同时,南加华总增进华人社团、工商企业与中国各地联系与交往,帮助祖籍国经济、文化发展,为促进美中友好、增进美中互惠奉献心力。


About Us

Chinese American Federation, founded on April 10, 2005, is a California registered non-profit, non-political social organization, comprising more than 120 Chinese American associations and business coalitions. The purpose of the Federation is to promote and strengthen the contact among organizations and business enterprises in the Chinese American communities to enhance unity and mutual assistance, develop opportunities and establish connections, propel participation in discussion and administration of state affairs, uphold lawful rights and interests, and heighten social status for the prosperity of the Chinese American society. Furthermore, the Federation also promotes the mutual economic and cultural development by supporting the communication of organizations and business enterprises between US and China.

In recent years, the Federation organized many benchmarking activities, such as: active integration into the American society, upholding rights of Chinese Americans, opposing proposals prejudicial to the interests of Chinese Americans, supporting candidates and elected officials who respect Chinese culture, actively promoting China-US economic and cultural exchanges, participating in the Chinese and American national celebrations, and sponsoring Chinese cultural theatrical performances.

Under the leadership of the Founding President - John Cheng, the 4th and 5th President - Edward Cai, the 6th and 7th President - Sher Li, and the collective effort of each team member in the past 14 years, the Federation paced through heritage, innovation, reminiscence, and unity, and thus achieved the current progressively and steadily advancement. The Federation gathers community leaders, members, and entrepreneurs who are exceptional to the Chinese American communities of Southern California of the United States.

Under the leadership of the 8th President - Simon Shao, Chairman of the Board - Michael Xiong, Chairman of Supervisory - Joey Yu, Honorary President – John Cheng, Chairman of the Foundation – Sher Li, and the collaborative effort of the fully reinforced executive team and members, the Chinese American Federation will continue to develop, expand and excel. We sincerely believe that the Federation will strengthen the platform and the coherence of the Chinese American communities.

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